About Us

Diverse Social Care Provision was established in July 2020 with the aim of developing future potentials and promoting children’s rights. Our intention is for all young people from different backgrounds and different abilities to be well equipped in order to fulfil their potential and make the positive transition to an independent adult life. 

We aim to go above and beyond to offer young people from diverse backgrounds a brighter future through provision of appropriate adult service, family contact supervision, and quality supported accommodation whilst guiding them towards independence. The aim of Diverse Social Care Provision is to work together with identified professionals to assist in the assessment, planning, intervention and monitoring of the most challenging and vulnerable young people who are assessed to be at risk of significant harm. 

On the instruction of the relevant authority, Diverse Social Care Provision is also able to undertake and lead on the completion of Age Assessments, Care / Pathway Plans and, or acting as an appropriate adult. We undertake work on behalf of Youth Offending teams, Police, Local Authorities, DWP and RSPCA.

Our Mission

We believe in the ability to improve the quality of life of children and young people across the country.

Our Vision

Our vision is for young people to be well prepared and well equipped for successful adult life and independent living.

Our Philosophy

We believe that a support-guided, balanced approach establishes an excellent foundation.

Referrals, Fees & Admission

We will accept referrals from Local authorities, NHS and we may also consider referrals from third-party organisations. All referrals will be individually risk assessed and our Admission process will consider whether: 

  • There is a need for the Young Person to live independently and develop transferable lifelong skills.
  • If the young person wishes to move into semi-independent living but require support to enable them to reach full independence and maximise their potential.